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Garage Doors | Spares & Accessories | Cardale Spares |  Cardale Double S/A Pivot Arms DKC18

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Cardale Double S/A Pivot Arms DKC18

Cardale Double S/A Pivot Arms DKC18

Price: £190.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

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Cardale Double S/A Pivot Arms Supplied in pairsDKC18.
Unlike Cardale originals our pattern arms have an extra hole so the pivot pin can be moved up so getting a better balance on 6'6'' and lighter doors, Pivot pins are not riveted to the arm so that theu can be moved.
Hole is 1" from the top like the originals Extra hole 30mm futher up the arm.
Price includes postage and vat.

Garage Doors | Spares & Accessories | Cardale Spares |  Cardale Double S/A Pivot Arms DKC18