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Contact Us.

Need advice, a size thats not listed or more technical information?

Monday - Thursday 8.00 am - 4.30 pm
Friday 8.00am - 12.30pm
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed

Our offices are closed from the 19.12.2024 til 06.01.2024 due to Christmas shut.

Telephone :0121 749 7977

We endeavor to answer all emails within 24 hours .

We do not believe in keeping you on hold and so if our phone lines are busy please try later .
We only enter into written correspondence via the email system .

For sales email - : sales@thegaragedoorking.co.uk

The Garage Door King and Door King .
Unit 19 The Fort Industrial Park
Dunlop Way
B35 7AR
0121 749 7977